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When is the Best Time to Buy a New Air Conditioner?

New HVAC Systems Make Sense If Yours Is Over 10 Years Old

A new HVAC system is a significant home expense, so it’s no wonder many homeowners put off replacing their air conditioning system as long as possible. After all, HVAC equipment is often out of sight and out of mind. However, knowing the status of your heating and cooling system can help you save money when it comes time for a replacement, which is likely sooner than you might expect. Wondering when it’s the best time to buy an air conditioner? Hint: it’s not during the summer, and it isn’t 30 years down the line, either.

When Should You Upgrade to a New HVAC System?

The comfort and safety of your household is a priority, and having a functional cooling system is a key part of keeping your family happy and healthy. Like any other piece of equipment, however, air conditioning units have a limited lifespan.

Factors that affect the longevity of HVAC equipment include:

Keeping these factors in mind, the general rule of thumb is that HVAC equipment can last between 10 to 30 years. In St. Louis, however, replacements generally occur between years 13 and 20. Of course, while it’s perfectly fine to wait a few decades before replacing equipment, there are certainly benefits to upgrading your current system after “just” 10 years.

Benefits of Installing Energy-Efficient Systems After 10 Years

New HVAC systems have come a long way over the last decade. With heating and cooling taking up roughly 50% of any given home’s energy consumption, it’s no wonder that many households are making the decision to upgrade their equipment sooner rather than later.

Some of the improvements in new HVAC systems that make it beneficial to upgrade now include the following.

ECM Motors

ECMs, or Electronically Commutated Motors, are newer motors that allow systems to use variable speeds to save on energy and output costs. ECMs are by and large replacing PSC (Permanent Split Capacitor) motors that were common in HVAC units of decades past. PSC motors are single phase, meaning they have one speed only, which can drive up energy costs due to inefficiency. By some estimates, upgrading from a system with a PSC motor to one with an ECM can reduce household energy usage by up to 75%—and all that while maintaining stable temperatures throughout the home.

Noise Control

Many new furnaces and other heating and cooling systems are now equipped with advanced noise-dampening technology like sound baffles, better-insulated panels, and quieter variable-speed motors.

Smart System Controls

Smart home systems, like smart WiFi thermostats, help homeowners more precisely use their cooling and heating systems when and where they need them only, meaning that less energy is wasted heating and cooling rooms that aren’t occupied. Not only are these energy savings better for the environment, but they also mean lower energy bills.

More Financial Incentives

Society is more focused on being eco-friendly than ever before, which means that there are usually more financing options and other financial incentives, like rebates and government tax credits, to make installing new AC units more attractive. It’s not just the upfront costs that are more attractive, either; more energy-efficient equipment means more affordable utility bills.

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